Peripheral Vision Art (1994)

Peripheral Vision Art (1994) Extant works of “Peripheral Vision Art” concept was limited to a dozen works produced for the Düd Reintjes exhibit and are now incorporated in the extant works of the “Nature of Multiplicity”.
Like a mark on a badly erased blackboard which can send my obsessive compulsive mind into distress each “Peripheral Vision Art Work” was were established to have a standard and classic proportional scale. The works would indeed be hung without framing and project a miniscule colour field while commanding the same space a regular colour field work should possess in situ. That it requires more negative space or empty space on the gallery wall to effectively reproduce the three extra ancillary effects
- a miniaturised field
- peripheral observation
- incredulity.
After exposing the works and fielding the audience it was determined that mostly all the criteria’s had been met in that the work was most successfully observed with the peripheral visions as they were largely ignored until the eye caught the field effect (usually peripherally), and that once seen and detected the works appeared to create a depthless perimeter surrounding itself. Moreover be inney or outtey which invariably caused the type of tension a colour field work provides for the viewer. Once the works precept was understood (and explained by the artists statement) it successfully inspired a response of incredulity if not hostile derision.
Note: Presently searching archives for extant records of the Düd Reintjes 1994 exhibit.